Aggregates and Industrial Minerals
The Lonquist Team offers well-developed experience in the beginning stages of mining Sand, Aggregates and Evaporites. Our team understands the nuances of these operations and can provide you with the tools and expertise to efficiently identify and develop the resource.
Sand & Aggregates
Frac Sand
Industrial Sand and Gravel
Limestone & Caliche
Bentonite & Clays
Prospect Identification and Evaluation
Proper planning for a new project requires a comprehensive and methodical approach by experienced professionals. Our team will evaluate the resource and compile in-depth figures and diagrams that allow for clear communication of the potential and planned utilization of the resource. Our market research and prospect evaluation teams provide crucial information for business decisions. At Lonquist, we are able to move your project from an idea, to a plan, to reality.
Mapping and GIS Analytics
Preliminary Geological Assessment
Market Analysis & Supply Studies
Transportation and Infrastructure Analysis
Resource Evaluation
Core Program Development and Execution
Effective delineation of the overburden, resource, and heterogeneities of the area is critical in all stages of exploration, planning and mining. An appropriate coring program provides the basis for the broad interpretation and quantification of a resource through evaluation of geophysical and geochemical test data. Our engineers and geologists have the proficiency to develop and supervise a coring program that will hold value throughout the project.
Core Pattern Design & Planning
Coring Methods
Core Sample Handling